Slavery Statement
Modern Slavery act statement
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2018
ADM Protexin Ltd will never knowingly use suppliers who employ or exploit legally underage workers or forced labour and will not condone such practices.
This statement is made in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 section 54(1) and constitutes the ADM Protexin Ltd Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for the financial year ending 31st July 2018. The Directors of ADM Protexin delegated approval of this statement to the Operations Director Lee Goddard.
Company Structure
ADM Protexin Ltd (formally known as Probiotics International Ltd) was founded in 1992, it was acquired by ADM in August 2018. Protexin Inc. a subsidiary of the company is based in Florida, USA.
ADM Protexin Ltd employs 187 staff based in the UK and USA, most are based at our office, manufacturing and warehouse facilities in Somerset, UK. ADM Protexin Ltd manufactures and distributes Probiotic and Nutraceutical supplements for people and animals in the UK and 96 countries worldwide.
Relevant Policies
The Modern Slavery Policy and Whistleblowing Policy are available to all staff, along with training.
Our parent company ADM, maintains a ‘Statement on the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act’ and ‘UK Modern Slavery Act’, available upon request.
ADM Protexin Ltd occasionally employ temporary workers, we work with accredited ‘Stronger Together’ Business Partner who has successfully implemented a ‘Tackling Modern Slavery’ policy.
Due Diligence
ADM Protexin Ltd and parent company ADM, respect human rights and expect our business partners to also treat their employees with dignity and respect. We will never knowingly use suppliers who employ or exploit legally under-aged workers or forced labour and will not condone such practices.
We expect our suppliers to:
- Know, understand and follow laws and regulations that govern work done on our behalf.
- Never use child labour.
- Never use brokers who charge fees to job-seekers in exchange for employment.
- Have appropriate measures in place to ensure eligibility for employment.
- Pay workers in accordance with applicable laws and industry norms.
- Provide working conditions that comply with applicable laws and industry morns.
ADM Protexin Ltd undertakes a desktop audit in its process of supplier approval to include questions directly related to the Modern Slavery Act (MSA), in order to ascertain supplier level of compliance and understanding of the MSA 2015. The returned forms are assessed and approved or otherwise with appropriate action or further investigations as required.
In the year 2018 we contacted suppliers with questionnaires of which 72% responded. Our questionnaire covers knowledge of the Act, recruitment activities and supply chain monitoring. ADM Protexin Ltd will continue working with our suppliers to maintain and raise awareness of Modern Slavery.
All staff at ADM Protexin are aware of the Company’s response to the MSA and or questions asked of suppliers. Senior Staff Members and those working most closely with suppliers of raw materials, packaging, services, and componentry along with recruitment have received or attended more detailed in-house or external training using Government resources, such as ‘Stronger 2gether’.

Mr L Goddard
Operations Director - ADM Protexin Ltd